Title: What Will Happen If Bipolar Disorder Goes Untreated?缩略图

Title: What Will Happen If Bipolar Disorder Goes Untreated?

Bipolar disorder is a complex mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings between manic and depressive episodes. If left untreated, it can lead to a series of serious consequences.

Worsening of Mental Health
The mood instability will become more severe. Manic episodes may become more intense, with symptoms such as extremely elevated mood, excessive energy, and over – confidence. For example, a person may engage in risky behaviors like overspending, having unprotected sex, or driving recklessly during a manic episode without treatment .
Depressive episodes will also deepen, leading to profound feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and lack of interest in activities. The risk of self – harm and suicide is significantly increased. Statistics show that nearly 20% of bipolar patients ultimately die by suicide .
Impaired Social Functioning
In the workplace or at school, untreated bipolar disorder can cause a decline in performance. During manic phases, a person may be unable to concentrate on tasks, while during depressive phases, they may lack the motivation to complete work or study. As a result, they may lose their jobs or fail in their academic pursuits .
Interpersonal relationships will also be severely affected. The extreme mood swings can make it difficult for others to interact with the patient. For instance, during manic episodes, the patient may be irritable and argumentative, while during depressive episodes, they may withdraw from social interactions, causing strain on family and friends relationships.
Deterioration of Physical Health
The long – term stress and hormonal imbalances associated with bipolar disorder can have a negative impact on physical health. Sleep disorders are common, including insomnia during manic phases and excessive sleeping during depressive phases. This disrupted sleep pattern can further affect the patient’s overall well .
There is also an increased risk of developing other physical problems such as cardiovascular diseases, due to the chronic stress on the body.
Brain Damage
The continuous and extreme mood fluctuations can cause damage to the brain’s neurons. It may lead to dehydration – like changes in brain neurons, resulting in neuronal degeneration and necrosis. This can potentially cause permanent impairment of brain functions, such as a decline in intelligence .
In conclusion, it is crucial for individuals with bipolar disorder to seek proper treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment can help manage the symptoms, improve the quality of life, and reduce the risk of these serious consequences.

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